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When to Seek Physiotherapy Treatment

We all have aches and pains, but it’s not always clear whether we need physiotherapy treatment. So, we have compiled this blog to help you decide if you need to seek physiotherapy treatment to help you with pain, an injury or anything else.

 At Falcon Health, we provide chiropractic and physiotherapy treatment to clients suffering from a wide variety of conditions and ailments. Whether you have experienced a sporting injury, have rheumatoid arthritis, stiff joints or anything else, we can provide comprehensive and professional treatment to help you.

What is Physiotherapy Treatment?

Physiotherapy treatment is the application of physical techniques to relieve pain and promote healing following an injury, illness or surgery. It can also help to prevent further problems from developing by improving strength, flexibility and movement.

There are many different types of physiotherapy treatment available, each with its benefits. Some of the most common techniques used include:


Manual Therapy: This is a popular choice for relieving muscle tension and promoting relaxation. It is the process of massaging and manipulating the muscles and joints in your body. This can also help to increase blood flow to the area, which can aid healing.


Taping: Taping is the process of applying tape in certain positions on muscles and joints. This is often used to support injured joints or muscles, particularly when exercising. This reduces the load and increases their stability, preventing the likelihood of injury. It can also help to reduce swelling and pain.


Electrotherapy: Electrotherapy is a physiotherapy treatment that utilises light, sound and electricity to loosen, stimulate and relax muscles to help them during the healing process and strengthen them in recovery.


Traction: This is used to stretch the spine and relieve pressure on the discs and nerves. It can be an effective treatment for back pain.


Exercises: Specific exercises are often prescribed as part of physiotherapy treatment as they can help to improve strength, flexibility and movement. It is important to start slowly and gradually increase the intensity as you recover.


Knowing which physiotherapy treatment you require is difficult. However, they can all be very effective. If you require physiotherapy, contact our expert team, we are highly experienced in providing a wide array of physiotherapy treatments and can develop a bespoke care plan to help you get back to your best.


Signs That Your Require Physiotherapy Treatment

Whilst anyone can benefit from physiotherapy, there are a few key indicators to suggest that you require treatment. The following list is just a few of these, so, if these factors are not relevant to you, still feel free to get in touch and discuss your condition or pains with our expert team.


Sports Injury

This is a common reason for people searching for physiotherapy treatment. Whether your injury is muscular or skeletal, physiotherapy can be very effective in supporting your recovery and getting your body back to its best. Physiotherapy can help to repair the damage through various treatments as well as providing targeted exercises and stretches to improve flexibility and range of motion as well as strength and stability.


Joint Pain

You may find that your joints ache or are stiff, particularly first thing in the morning. This can be a sign of arthritis or other degenerative joint conditions. We often encounter clients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and gout. Physiotherapy can also help with other types of joint pain. Our physiotherapists will work to reduce the inflammation in your joints as well as improve the range of motion and strength.

Neurological Conditions

If you are struggling with conditions such as Parkinson’s, a Stroke or MS, physiotherapy can help. We will devise a personalised plan to help you manage your condition and maximise your quality of life. This may include exercises to improve movement, strength and balance as well as helping you to adapt to any changes in your condition.



This is a sensitive subject for many people but physiotherapy can be very successful in treating incontinence. Physiotherapy treatment can combat incontinence by strengthening the pelvic floor muscles. This will in turn help to improve your bladder control and reduce the anxiety that comes as a part of it.


Chronic Pain

Chronic pain is defined as any pain lasting more than 12 weeks. Chronic pain can be caused by a variety of conditions, however, physiotherapy treatment can combat the vast majority of them. Our physiotherapists will take a holistic approach to your treatment, working with you to not only reduce the pain but also improve your quality of life. We will work with you to devise a personalised plan which may include pain-relieving treatments, exercises and stretches.


Losing Balance

If you are struggling to maintain your balance, physiotherapy can help. There are several reasons why someone might lose their balance including inner ear problems, vision problems and neurological conditions. Our physiotherapists will work with you to identify the cause of your balance problem and devise a plan to help you improve it. This will likely include a combination of therapy and targeted exercises. These exercises are designed to increase the strength and stability of your muscles and joints. This reduces the likelihood of falls and as a result, major injuries as a result. This is particularly valuable among older clients as our balance naturally reduces as we age.


Back Pain from Work

In today’s day and age, a lot of us spend hours sitting at a desk. This can damage your back over time. Therefore, physiotherapy treatment can combat this by improving your posture, strengthening the muscles in your back and improving your flexibility. This will help to relieve any existing pain as well as prevent further damage in the future. Furthermore, we will advise you on ways to alter your habits and enhance your posture whilst at work. This will have long-term benefits and preserve the health of your back.


Recovery from Surgery

If you have recently had surgery, physiotherapy can help you to recover. Our physiotherapists will work with you to devise a personalised plan which is designed to promote healing as well as maximise your range of motion and strength. We will also teach you exercises which are designed to improve your flexibility and reduce the risk of injury in the future.

These are just a few examples of how physiotherapy treatment can be beneficial, however, if you are still unsure whether physiotherapy is right for you, please do not hesitate to get in touch!


Physiotherapy Treatment at Falcon Health

At Falcon Health, our expert physiotherapists are highly qualified and experienced in providing physiotherapy treatment for a variety of conditions and ailments. We are confident that we can accurately diagnose your condition and provide a bespoke and effective treatment plan to help you.


What should I wear to my physiotherapy appointment?

It is recommended that you wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing that allows for easy movement. If you are being treated for a specific body part, it may be helpful to wear clothing that allows easy access to that area.


To learn more about our chiropractic and physiotherapy treatments, explore our website or contact us at 01444 257555 or info@falcon-health.com. Our expert team would love to talk with you.


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