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The Guide on Injury Prevention in the Workplace

The Guide on Injury Prevention in the Workplace

One of the key ways in which we help clients is through advice and education, particularly in injury prevention. Our education and advice can help with preventing injuries at work to ensure that people can stay safe at work without injuring themselves. So, check out the blog below to learn all about injury prevention at work to ensure you stay safe.

Injury Prevention at Work

Whilst we may not always think about it, injuries can happen in any workplace. It is important to think about how we sit as well as lift things to ensure we can prevent injuries at work.


In today’s blog, we will discuss the following topics:

  • how injuries happen

  • how to educate employees

  • lifting and posture tips

If you still have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact our friendly and knowledgeable team today!


How Injuries Happen in the Workplace

Before we learn about injury prevention at work, we need to understand how it happens. Musculoskeletal injuries are the most common type of injuries in the workplace. They happen when there is a sudden or forceful movement that damages muscles, ligaments, and tendons. Common causes of musculoskeletal injuries in the workplace include:

  • Lifting heavy objects: This can cause damage to the lower back, neck, and shoulders. This often results from poor lifting technique.

  • Repetitive movements: This can cause damage to the tendons, muscles, and ligaments. Common examples include typing and using a mouse.

  • Poor posture: This can lead to strain on the muscles and nerves. Poor posture often results from sitting or standing in the same position for long periods or having chairs without proper lumbar support.

  • Slip, trips and falls: These often happen due to slippery surfaces, cluttered work areas, or poorly lit stairways.


Educating Employees About Preventing Injuries at Work

One of the best ways to prevent injuries at work is to teach employees how to avoid them. This includes teaching them about proper lifting techniques, as well as how to stay safe when they are working. It is important to teach employees how to safely complete their tasks in the workplace. Furthermore, you should provide them with the necessary safety equipment to help avoid injuries. This might include gloves, glasses, and earplugs.

It is important to educate employees on how to safely complete tasks as it protects your company from potential lawsuits. If an employee is injured in the workplace, and it is found that they were not properly trained on how to complete their task, your company could be held liable.

Lifting and Posture Tips on Preventing Injuries at Work

Injuries often derive from two main things, lifting and posture. This is something that we experience in every workplace, whether you do one, or both, it is important to know how to safely lift objects and sit safely to preserve your health.


Lifting Heavy Objects

If you lift heavy objects regularly, it is crucial to learn the proper manual handling technique. Whilst you may not experience pain immediately, if you are doing it incorrectly, you can cause long-term damage to your back. Here are a few key tips to remember when lifting.

  • Wide Base of Support. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart, with one foot slightly ahead of the other.

  • Squat Down. Bend only with your hips and knees. Do not bend your back.

  • Posture. When lifting, it is also important to maintain good posture. This will help protect your back from strain. Look straight ahead, and keep your back straight, your chest out, and your shoulders back. This helps keep your upper back straight while having a slight arch in your lower back.

  • Lift Slowly. Do this as you straighten your knees. Be sure to keep your back straight and slowly lift to avoid putting too much strain on your legs.

  • Hold Close. Keep what you’re holding close to your chest to ensure your centre of balance inside your centre of mass, this prevents you from losing your balance and falling/straining your back.

  • Putting Down. Set down your load carefully, once again only squatting with your hips and knees to avoid straining your back.

When carrying a heavy object, be sure to move with your feet and do not twist your back. Furthermore, do not lift a heavy object that is at or above shoulder level because this can cause serious damage to your neck and spine. If you have to carry something heavy overhead, be sure that you are using both hands.

Posture Tips

Whilst we may not notice it, posture is an incredibly important element of injury prevention. If you are sitting with poor posture over a long period, you can cause significant damage to your spine. As many of us sit at desks for work, we must understand the importance of sitting correctly and safely.


Here are some tips to ensure your posture is safe.


Sit up Straight. This may seem like an obvious one, but it is important to ensure that you are sitting up straight, with your back against the chair and your feet flat on the ground.

Keep Your Knees at a Right Angle. Your knees should be at a 90-degree angle, with your thighs parallel to the ground. If they are not, use a footrest to prop up your legs.

Don’t Cross Your Legs. This can cause strain on your hips and back. Instead, keep both feet on the ground.


Use a Lumbar Support. If you find that you are slouching, lumbar support can help to improve your posture by preventing you from slouching forwards.


Adjust Your Computer Screen. Be sure that your computer screen is at eye level so that you are not straining your neck to look at it.


These are just some key tips to follow to maintain good posture and ensure injury prevention in the workplace. It is important to be mindful of how you are sitting and lifting to ensure that you can stay safe at work and protect yourselves.


Contact Us

At Falcon Health, we understand the importance of injury prevention at work. Whilst we deal with people suffering from sporting injuries, illness and age, we also encounter clients with pain because of workplace and lifestyle injuries.


As part of our bespoke care plans, we provide education and advice on how to live safely and complete tasks without getting injured. If you would like to learn more about our services or need help in preventing injuries at work, be sure to contact us today at info@falcon-health.com or 01444 257 555.


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