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Physiotherapy Treatments

Just as every case differs, so does the treatment that’s needed. Our physiotherapists are there to help those suffering the effects of injury, disease or illness, fight or cope with pain, discomfort or a lack of mobility.
Physiotherapy Treatments


Physiotherapy treatments for you

In every instance, our physiotherapists are called on to put together a regime drawn from a wide range of techniques, but tailored on individual situations and needs.

What is Physiotherapy? Physiotherapy is a healthcare profession that focuses on the prevention, treatment, and management of physical impairments, disabilities, and pain

Physiotherapists will find themselves dealing with those who are very healthy, like athletes injured during a game, for whom quick and intense rehabilitation is necessary. Also they will also encounter those dealing with degenerative or chronic illnesses such as Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Parkinson’s, and Multiple Sclerosis, among others. For these people, pain management and coping systems are essential.

Physiotherapy techniques we use at our clinic

Extremity Adjustment
Manual Therapy
Massage and manipulation are the cornerstones of physiotherapy. Application of heat and ice: Ice has the effect of constricting the blood vessels which helps combat inflammation and reduce swelling after injury. Cold packs also improve joint mobility, which can help increase the effectiveness of manual therapy. Heat, may relieve pain and make soft tissue like the muscles, ligaments and tendons, more pliable.
Activator Technique

Therapeutic tape is applied to certain areas to encourage recovery and provide support.

Sacro-Occiptal Technique
Electro-therapeutic treatments
Light, sound and electricity play a big role in physiotherapy. Sound waves (Ultrasound) create heat within the body to loosen up tissue. Light, in the form of lasers, can help reduce pain and inflammation while targeted pulses of low level electricity are used to stimulate the muscles in order to restore muscle function.
Extremity Adjustment

Particularly effective in the treatment of herniated lumbar discs, traction can alleviate the pain without surgery and a long recovery period. By stretching the back, traction is able to separate vertebrae and relieve constriction and compression on the nerves which run down the spine.

Activator Technique
Exercise improves mobility and balance. It also increases flexibility, while increasing and building strength and stamina. The choice of exercises is based on your injury or condition, and the degree of severity involved. Supervised under guidance at our clinic, they are highly likely to also be included in a home program during treatment, and as part of a management regime afterwards in order to prevent a recurrence of pain.
Sacro-Occiptal Technique
Self-management training

Healing from injury, or managing pain in the long term, cannot be applied as a quick and permanent fix. It is a process which involves personal co-operation and involvement. A rehabilitation process is intended to bring about a return to normal function as soon as possible but maintaining that independence and quality of function will require ongoing effort.

Our physiotherapists will educate and help with regard to developing a programme which will go a long way towards keeping the pain at bay and, hopefully, prevent its recurrence.


We Focus on the Source of the Problem and Not the Symptoms...

We want you to get back to a normal and active life as quickly and safely as possible. Instead of treating your symptoms for temporary pain relief, we focus on identifying the source of the problem and treat that for long lasting results.

We want you to see lasting results. Our team members will assess a variety of movement patterns and postures while empowering you with education and exercises so that you can reduce the risk of re-injury and prevent new injuries from occurring.

We understand that the human body is incredibly interconnected. We use a variety of technology and techniques to detect and treat not only the underlying cause of your problem but also other areas of your body that might be contributing to the problem.

What to expect when you come and see us for a diagnosis

  • We take a detailed history of your medical health
  • Perform a comprehensive assessment involving observation, hands-on testing and specialised diagnostic tools like ultrasound imaging or capnometry
  • Provide you with a diagnosis – a detailed explanation for the cause of your pain or injury
  • With your participation, plan a physiotherapy treatment program which may include exercise therapy, manual techniques, electrothermal modalities and education
  • Evaluate results of your treatment to monitor effectiveness and progress
  • Be available for timely follow-up care to ensure your continued success

Ready to book?

Booking your appointment with us is now easier than ever! Simply click the button below to secure your slot with one of our experienced practitioners.

Whether you’re seeking relief from pain, recovering from an injury, or aiming to improve your mobility, our team is here to help.

Take the hassle out of scheduling and book your appointment with just a few clicks. We look forward to assisting you on your journey to better health and wellness!


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Head over to our bookings page and get your initial chiropractic or physiotherapy consultation, including treatment, for only £50!