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What causes knee pain?

The knee is the largest joint in your body, and it’s good to watch for any pain or swelling. Knee pain is quite common and can affect people of all ages. There are a few things you can do at home to relieve the pain, but if it persists, it’s a good idea to contact a chiropractor or physiotherapy clinic.

Symptoms of Knee Pain

First of all, it’s important to recognise the symptoms of knee pain.


  • ​Stiffness
  • Swelling
  • Redness
  • Weakness or instability around the knee
  • If you’re finding it hard to fully straighten your leg
  • Pain (sharp or general ache) around the knee
  • Popping noises


​These symptoms can derive from a variety of conditions and injuries, so if you are unsure on the cause of your knee pain, contact our physiotherapists or chiropractors!

Symptoms of Knee Pain

Sports Injury or Sprain
Remember you don’t have to be sporty to get this injury, any physical activity like heavy lifting or lots of walking could be a cause
028-reflex hammer
This is where the tendon connecting muscle and bone becomes inflamed after an injury and swells up
As we age the cartilage in our knees can become worn. This can lead to arthritis and other diseases that cause pain.
Unsuitable Footwear
Unsuitable shoes being worn for a long period of time. This could be uncomfortable heels or shoes without arch support. The discomfort and tension from your feet spreads up your leg, causing knee pain.
ultrasound machine
It is possible for your knee joint to dislocate as bones can slip out of the socket. This can be incredibly painful and you must not attempt to rectify this without professional help.

Treatment for Knee Pain

Now that we’ve looked at the symptoms and causes, let’s look at how you can treat knee pain at home. In the first 24 hours of having knee pain, it’s best to avoid putting weight on that leg. Avoid standing on that leg and try to rest it if you can, perhaps keeping it elevated on top of a chair or cushion. Gently moving your leg for 10-20 seconds every hour to stop stiffness is advised.

After 24 hours, try to move your leg a little more. A short, gentle walk can be good to keep away long-term pain. Putting a heat or ice pack on is a really good idea. If there is swelling, an ice pack (or bag of frozen peas) will work best. Make sure when using a heat or ice pack that there is some kind of cloth/tea towel separating the pack from your skin so as not to scald or freeze your skin too much. You can use an ice/heat pack for around 20 minutes every hour to help with pain, swelling and stiffness.

What types of conditions do physiotherapists treat?
Physiotherapists can treat a wide range of conditions, including sports injuries, back pain, knee pain, neck pain, arthritis, stroke, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, and more.


Book Your Assessment

A great option if you’re struggling with knee pain is to book an appointment at Falcon Health! We are a team of specialists who are fully equipped to tackle your knee pain and have you feeling and moving better. We offer a range of treatments from acupuncture to sports massage and we can tailor your sessions to treat whatever complaint you’re dealing with.

Not only can we help get rid of your knee pain, we can also take preventative measures to make sure it doesn’t come back. Contact us today to start feeling better.


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