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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Causes and Treatments

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Causes and Treatments

In today’s blog, we discuss carpal tunnel syndrome. We cover the symptoms and causes, as well as how physiotherapy can help combat this. Carpal tunnel syndrome can be incredibly painful, but physiotherapy can help you! So, continue to read our blog if you’re interested in carpal tunnel syndrome causes and treatments.

What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is a condition that results in the compression of a nerve that runs down the arm. This nerve is responsible for sensation and movement in the hand and fingers. CTS is a common condition, with approximately 1 in 20 people affected. It can occur in any age group, but is more common in middle-aged and older women. Some factors that may increase your risk of developing CTS include:


· repetitive hand movements

· pregnancy

· obesity

· diabetes

· arthritis


There are a number of treatment options available for CTS, including physiotherapy. Physiotherapy can help to improve symptoms by strengthening and stretching the muscles and tendons in the hand and forearm. Other treatments may also be recommended, depending on the individual’s symptoms. If left untreated, CTS can lead to permanent nerve damage. It is therefore important to seek medical advice if you are experiencing any of the symptoms of CTS.


Symptoms of CTS

One of the main symptoms of CTS is pain. This pain can be in the hands, wrists, or arms. Those suffering from CTS might feel a tingling sensation or numbness in your fingers. Sometimes you might have trouble gripping things or suffer from weakness in your hands.


This sensation can also be experienced in the palm and forearm. Many people describe the sensation as a “pins and needles” feeling.


There are other symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome that you might experience. This can include swelling in your hands, wrists, or arms. You might also feel like your hands or arms are always cold. Another common symptom is trouble sleeping because of the pain being experienced.


Can You Treat Carpal Tunnel?

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition that can cause pain, numbness, and tingling in the hand and arm. It’s caused by pressure on the median nerve, which runs from your neck to your hand. The symptoms can be mild or severe and can interfere with your everyday activities.


Fortunately, there are many ways to treat carpal tunnel syndrome. Some people may need surgery, but most people can improve their symptoms with physiotherapy services. Physiotherapy can help you strengthen your muscles and stretch your hands and arms. This can help reduce the pressure on the median nerve and relieve your symptoms. We will discuss specific treatment in detail, however there are some things you can do yourself.


One is to take more-frequent breaks to rest your hands. This will give your muscles a chance to recover. You should also avoid activities that make your symptoms worse, such as typing. This can cause further damage without you realising. You can also apply cold packs to reduce swelling.


Physiotherapy Services for CTS

Manual Therapy

Manual therapy is often used to treat CTS. This involves massaging and manipulating the muscles and tissues around the affected area. This is effective at dealing with CTS because it can help to improve the range of movement in the area, as well as reducing any inflammation or swelling. This can help to release the effected nerve, and by increasing the range of movement in the hand, the joints, muscles and ligaments become more adept at dealing with resistance.


Kinesio Taping

Another physiotherapy treatment that can be effective for CTS is the use of Kinesio Taping. This tape is applied to the skin and helps to support the muscles and tissues in the area. It can help to reduce inflammation and pain, as well as improve the range of movement. This does this by gently lifting the skin and encouraging the flow of lymphatic fluid around the area.



Finally, exercises can also be used to help relieve the symptoms of CTS. There are a number of exercises that can be done, depending on the severity of your symptoms. Generally, these exercises will help to improve the range of movement in the hand and arm, as well as strengthening the muscles in this area. This can help to reduce any discomfort or pain that is experienced.


Exercises such as finger extensions with resistance bands, shrugs, wrist curls and wrist extensions are particularly effective. This is effective at relieving pain because it can help to improve the strength and range of movement in the muscles surrounding the carpal tunnel. This, in turn, takes some of the pressure off of the nerve that has been compressed. Increasing the range of movement is important because it stops the muscles and tendons from tightening up, which can aggravate the condition.


Why Falcon Health?

At Falcon Health, our experts are very experienced at dealing with and treating CTS. Marcin, our consultant physiotherapist is particularly experienced providing physiotherapy services for CTS and a variety of ailments. He has successfully treated many patients with CTS and can provide you with the best possible advice and treatment plan to suit your individual needs. We hope that our blog has helped to uncover carpal tunnel syndrome causes and the various treatments available.


At Falcon Health, we will discuss your condition with you in detail, this will allow us to develop a bespoke treatment plan to ensure you receive the treatment that is required. Additionally, specific exercises will be prescribed to you in order to help reduce the symptoms of CTS and speed up your recovery.


If you are suffering from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, don’t hesitate to contact Falcon Health for physiotherapy services that can help you get back to your everyday life as soon as possible. To schedule a consultation, BOOK NOW. Alternatively, to learn more about our services, including chiropractic care and other treatments, explore our website or contact us on 01444 257555 or info@falcon-health.com today.


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