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Foot Pain: Causes and Solutions

Today, we are discussing foot pain. Many people experience pain in the foot for a variety of reasons. This blog will uncover the causes of foot pain and how you can overcome it with various forms of treatment and exercises.

Types of Foot Pain

There are many causes for foot pain, but we will highlight a few of the most common causes of foot pain. Physio or chiropractic treatment can often provide relief and a solution for many forms of foot pain.


Plantar Fasciitis

One of the most common forms of foot pain is plantar fasciitis, which is caused by inflammation of the plantar fascia. The plantar fascia is a band of tissue that runs along the bottom of your foot from your heel to your toes. When this tissue becomes inflamed, it can cause severe heel pain. Plantar fasciitis is often bought on by overpronation, which is when your foot rolls inwards when you walk. This can be caused by wearing shoes that do not support your feet properly or by having tight calf muscles.


Achilles Tendonitis

Another common form of foot pain is Achilles tendonitis, which is inflammation of the Achilles tendon. The Achilles tendon is the largest tendon in your body and it runs from your heel to your calf muscle. Achilles tendonitis is often caused by overuse, such as running long distances without proper stretching or warm-up exercises. It can also be caused by wearing shoes that do not fit properly or provide enough support.



Metatarsalgia is a condition that causes pain in the ball of your foot. This is the area of your foot just behind your toes. Metatarsalgia is often caused by wearing high heels or shoes that do not fit properly. It can also be caused by walking barefoot on hard surfaces. This causes pain because the bones in your feet are not supported properly and they rub against each other.



A bunion is a deformity of the big toe. The big toe points towards the second toe, causing the joint at the base of the big toe to become enlarged and painful. Bunions are often caused by wearing tight, narrow shoes. They can also be caused by genetics or arthritis.


Plantar Plate Tear

The plantar plate is a soft tissue structure that connects the joints between the foot and the toes. It can become injured or torn from too much stress or overuse. This can cause pain in the ball of your foot, just behind your toes. The plantar plate often suffers from poor blood supply, so it is sometimes important to decrease the movement in the area using taping, special footwear and foot inserts.


Joint Capsulitis

Joint capsulitis is an inflammation of the joint capsule that surrounds the big toe joint. It is often caused by overuse, such as playing sports or running. Joint capsulitis can also be caused by wearing shoes that are too tight or by an injury to the joint.


Sesamoiditis/Sesamoid Fracture

Sesamoids are small bones that are found in the tendon of the big toe. They act as a pulley system for the tendon and help to make the big toe joint move more smoothly. Sesamoiditis is an inflammation of these bones and it can be caused by overuse or by wearing shoes that do not fit properly. A sesamoid fracture is a break in one of these bones and it can also be caused by overuse or by wearing shoes that do not fit properly.


Physio Treatment for Foot Pain

If you’re experiencing foot pain, there are a number of physio treatments that can help. Your physiotherapist will work with you to determine the best course of treatment, based on the cause of your foot pain. Treatments may include:


Massage and Mobilisation: This can help to relieve pain and improve range of motion in the joints and muscles of the foot.


Exercise: Specific exercises can help to stretch and strengthen the muscles and tissues around the foot, helping to reduce pain.


Orthotics: If your foot pain is caused by overpronation (foot rolling inward), your physiotherapist may recommend custom orthotics to help support your feet.


Chiropractic Treatment for Foot Pain

Chiropractic treatment can also be effective for treating foot pain. Your chiropractor will work with you to determine the best course of treatment, based on the cause of your foot pain. Treatments may include:


Manipulation: This helps to improve range of motion in the joints and muscles of the foot. This helps the joints and bones in your feet and ankle to move smoothly, thus reducing the pressure placed on muscles and bones within the foot.


Exercise: Chiropractors may prescribe exercises to help improve the range of motion in your feet and ankles. These exercises may also help to strengthen the muscles and bones in your feet, which can help reduce foot pain as your range of movement improves and the stress on your foot is reduced.


Bracing: In some cases, your chiropractor may recommend that you wear a brace on your foot or ankle. This helps to support the joints and muscles in your feet and ankles, which can help to reduce foot pain.


Foot Orthotics: In some cases, your chiropractor may recommend that you wear orthotics (custom-made shoe inserts) to support the joints and muscles. This allows your foot to operate comfortable and normally, without experiencing strain and pain.


Physio and Chiropractic Treatment at Falcon Health

At Falcon Health, our team are highly trained and experienced in providing physio and chiropractic treatment to clients experiencing foot pain. As we have highlighted, foot pain can be caused by a variety of conditions. So, when you meet us for an initial consultation, we will discuss and assess your pain in detail. This will provide us with as much information as possible to help us diagnose your condition and develop a bespoke care plan.

Whether you are receiving physio or chiropractic treatment, the exact therapies may differ, this also depends on your condition. However, all treatments will be specific to your injury and designed to relieve pain, strengthen the foot and prevent future injury. As well as therapies, specific exercises will be prescribed for the same reason.


We will recommend multiple sessions to allow us to track your progress and potentially alter the treatment you require. Throughout the process, communication is key as it ensures that both the therapist and client are on the same page and know exactly what is going on.


To learn more about our physio and chiropractic treatment for foot pain, or any other condition, explore our website or contact us on 01444 257 555 or info@falcon-health.com. Our experts will be more than happy to discuss our physio and chiropractic treatment with you and answer any questions you may have to help you get back to your best!


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